Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy Nineteen Week Birthday, my little princess ...

Nineteen weeks, wow! So, Zoey is a little behind in the milestone department, but not too bad (I feel) especially when "compared" (is there a better word) to her brothers and sister! I don't remember when they rolled over, but Zoey hasn't done that yet ... as is proved in one of the following photos, though, she really tries! Her neck muscles are also still weak. She can hold her head up when in a sitting position, but it's still wobbly and she can only do it for so long - just depending on how tired she is, etc. When she's on her tummy, which is very rarely, she really struggles to get that little head up ... all in time, though, it will come!

Other exciting news: today is day fifteen of NO TUBE!!! Ever since I decided that one saturday that I wanted to be done with it, we have been! Zoey doesn't fully wake up for her "late night" feeding (before I go to bed) but she still will eat at least an ounce or two, which tides her over until morning! Her zantac, iron, and vitamins (and recently she was taking an antibiotic) go into her bottle with milk and she takes it just fine! I can't wait until we can get that tube out and be completely done with it!

Zoey continues to be a great baby and such a blessing! She is happy (only fusses if she needs a diaper change or to eat, sometimes if she's over tired) and loves to smile ... and her smile always makes me smile! She absolutely loves to "talk" - I think she may be quite the chatter box - she makes all sorts of coos and sometimes quite enjoys getting a little loud! She usually falls asleep between 7:30 and 9pm and sleeps until at least 6am (her last eat is usually at 10/11pm, but - again - she usually doesn't wake up). She's a joy!

So, here's some pics from this afternoon ... a little floor time with sissy!

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