We had one of our visits from Tri Counties Regional Center yesterday and they offered lots of advice for feeding Zoey solids (something she still doesn't care about and hasn't made huge success with, yet). One was to really "awaken" her right before feeding: tickle her, lift her up high, bounce her on a big ball, etc. They explained that with down syndrome comes the low muscle tone (which I knew) and that can be similar to "numbness" (which I only learned the last time they visited) ... so eating may not appeal to her because it's just something she doesn't "feel" so to say. On that note, they said that often "spicing" up the food helps! Strong flavors will be easier to recognize, so they suggested things such as a bit of cinnamon, seasonings, a few drops of olive oil, lemon juice, even pickle juice! They said adding a little of something that's a strong flavor may make a difference.
They also said that I need to start withholding the bottle - gasp! The purpose of this is that she begin to relate her feeling of hunger being satisfied with the baby food, not just milk! Also, things like serving the food cold (like, the leftovers that are being kept in the refrigerator) ... they said it goes against "mommy instinct", but the cold is one more way of waking up those senses! We shall see!
So, yesterday was the first day ever that Zoey was fed three meals of solid foods! (that was there other thing, no more being a lazy mama - she needs to be fed solids at least three times a day) It went well. Her biggest progress in this area is that she does swallow a great deal more than she did back when we first started! The biggest challenges are getting her to open up and then swallow more, usually a little does come back out - lol! Pretty much I'm at a point where I realize that things will have to go "on the back burner" ... again. That's ok, she's worth every moment of time it takes. We know she can learn, but with her it's just a little different. Everything takes more time and more effort on the part of the parents (where as "typical" children just naturally pick up on so much). I knew it on my own and the ladies that visit have only emphasized that it's true - NOW is the time. Waiting or putting it off will only make it harder as she gets older ... and, obviously, eating is a pretty big deal!
We've been really blessed in so many areas with Zoey. She really has picked up on so much on her own and with her physical therapy sessions ... we've been spoiled, just being able to love on her and give her lots of floor time and she's progressed in those areas vastly! The whole eating/feeding issues were always on my list of fears - so it sort of figures that that's already one of our challenges. I'll just keep praying and keep trying and make more effort and I'm confident she'll get it!
Here's a pic of our sweet little angel ... today, after her lunch!
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