wow, I can't believe we're already here - a half year old - incredible! Zoey, you are the sweetest little baby and you bring so much joy to mama's life! You roll from your back to your tummy AND tummy to back; you love to talk, you definitely have "chatty patty" days; you still drink mama's milk (aka - bubu soup) from a bottle, and that's it at this point; you go to physical therapy once a week and you're doing awesome, your neck has gotten so much stronger lately and you balance a bit already in preparation for sitting; your little abs seems strong, you still love doing "crunches" and especially now that you're more interested in what's going on around you; your eyes are still blue, each with a brown line; you're getting better at holding toys and reaching for them too; this week you've decided that faces are pretty interesting and you're really into reaching at them and trying to touch them - your arm/hand control needs work, but it's improving; you now enjoy standing for a bit, with help of course; you've been chewing on your fingers ALL the time, and even drooling - maybe you'll have teeth soon?; you grab your feet; your hair is dark brown and getting thicker, I love it; you like to blow bubbles, it's amusing to sissy; you wear mostly 3-6month size clothes & size 2 diapers; last week you were almost 15lbs and you were 24.5" long; ... you are beautiful Zoey and I love you so!
in no particular order, here are your six month pics (well, not ALL of them - lol)

ok, there's seriously so many more - but I'll stop! I had to sort of laugh as I looked at these, do you see how mature my little miss is? She's already got those popular "teenage" pic faces down!
p.s. Mama was unprepared, so she was making those bows while you took your morning nap - the queen of leaving things to the last minute!
These pics are super good!!! There are soooo many that I like! :) Can't wait to meet the Lil Miss so soon!!
So many beautiful pictures, I love how you use the props. You take great pictures, she is so beautiful.
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