wait for it ...

wait for it ...

not quite ...
there it is! that
BIG cheesy grin!

little miss Zoey is doing so well! Her appetite still fluctuates, but I think more than anything that's just bothersome to me ... it doesn't seem to affect her growth?! She saw her "heart doctor" yesterday and he said everything is looking real good, another two month appt. and then the stretches will be getting even farther between appts! She weighed 14lbs. 15oz on his scale and was 25" long! She's usually a bit heavier there - as they don't make us undress her (this time she did have her shirt off though) and it's a different scale, so they can fluctuate anyway ... but I figure she's still doing well as when she was weighed last she was 13lbs. 12oz. (at the g.i. doctor, when she got her tube out) - which was just a couple weeks ago! We've begun physical therapy now, we've been twice so far - the therapist said she saw some improvement already! We do exercises with her to help her core muscles gets stronger - as well as her arms, legs, and neck! We are beyond blessed that's her muscle tone isn't much worse, I'd say she's just a little behind what would be "typical" of a baby her age. This past week she has come heeps along with holding onto toys - surprising me by sometimes getting a good enough grasp to even bring it to her mouth! AND she started grabbing her feet! She's a sweetie pie - we all adore her!
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