Saturday, July 3, 2010
Happy Twenty-Three Week Birthday, my little princess ...
I can hardly believe that in less than three weeks my baby will be six months old - that is crazy! Zoey continues to be a wonderful baby and I can honestly say that I find myself a little surprised with how "on track" she seems to be. Don't get me wrong, I do notice some subtle delays, but nothing like I knew was possible! She is going to physical therapy this coming friday, I think they'll first evaluate her and go from there. She does need some work with the neck muscles and I'm sure they'll know more than I as far as any other areas she needs a bit of help with. Just as she surprised us with that sudden appetite ... she's now surprised us with a sudden low appetite. Overall she's still taking in a good amount, though yesterday was particularly low ... I think it's just one of those things - ya know - now that the tube is out (have to freak out mama - lol)! Zoey continues to be quite the little chatter box and last week she sat - or balanced - for a couple seconds on her own! I do find myself looking at her and wondering how her life will be ... she seems so typical. It makes me contemplate just how "different" she really is and if she will really think very differently than any one else. I know she's smart. I know she'll have struggles. Now I just need to take everything to God and pray for the wisdom to know how to take care of her and protect her and give that extra know how - for dealing with the world around her! I need that for all my children. God has blessed me so richly with my babies ... I feel like I'm letting Him down with my parenting - I keep searching for the answers, but I don't think I've given it fully to Him and allowed Him to show me what's right for our family! Anyhow, I'm now babbling and don't have any more to say - other than, just keep us in your prayers and I'll be keeping everyone in mine! And, of course, happy weekly birthday ... my little princess!

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