Zoey keeps progressing at Zoey pace, which to me doesn't seem too far behind any of my other kiddos! She is now easily getting up on all fours. It's really cute when she gets up and then does that "rocking" thing, she's yet to try to move her hands or legs while up ... but she has made some attempts at a low crawl these past couple days - so she's definitely trying!
The baby food thing is still the same and I still don't do it every day. Soon we'll be working with an occupational therapist who will give me exercises to do with her to strengthen those facial muscles. The pediatrician said that from a caloric stand point, there's nothing to worry about; but that we should keep working on it, of course.
Zoey had her 9month check up on friday! She was 17lbs. 7.9oz and 26.6" long! She still seems tiny to me, but she's absolutely growing! She's still wearing 3-6mos pants and some shirts too! She's still transitioning into the 6-9/6-12mos sizes! All her jammies are 6-9 and one piece outfits too! Size three diapers are still a bit big on her, but the two's seem small! I finally put some shoes on her, to see what size she wears (I never really put shoes on her) and she is a size 3 - in fact, the pair I put on her she had a little room still!
While we were at the clinic, Zoey got a flu shot and I got the flu mist ... and today I have a runny nose and sound congested - lovely! Annicka's been complaining of a soar throat and the cough she's had forever now sounds like a bark - I'm thinking I'm gonna need to take her in! Lots of yuck going around, I hate this time of year - for that reason!
I had completely forgotten about daylight savings time. I was awoken by Annicka shouting at me to "please get down stairs and help daddy, Zoey is puking everywhere". I can't figure out why she throws up more often with him, but this is the second day in a row! She had gone at least a week and then threw up with me the other night. It's so random. The doc said we can back off the zantac if we pay attention, but I'm wondering if that's a good idea or not. Anyway, so I came down and started a bath for Zoey and noticed the clock said 10:30am - WOW, I really slept in! She was all clean and dressed, I took my thyroid pill, got some water, and made oatmeal for Jericho - before sitting down here at the computer ... where I noticed the clock said 9:53am! WHAT??? That's when it hit me, oh yah - daylight savings!
Either way I slept almost 9 hours and woke up with a headache. It was not good sleep. Jericho was in our bed when I finally made it that way (after crafting together, Annicka and I watched New Moon - per her request) and I sent him back to his bed. I'm not sure if he ever got there though. I remember being awoken to look at a beautiful rendition of a turkey and at 5am he was telling me something? He finally crashed out and got a couple hours sleep ... in our bed with me - lol! I don't know what it is with him and his night time adventures!
So here we are on a Sunday morning. Being lazy, as we always are (we haven't done church in months, I'm sad to say). I'm hoping to be able to do some crafting again! Also I need to work on Zoey's room some more - not to mention the other kids' rooms, oh my, those are scary!
Hope everyone is having a fantabulous Sunday and wishing everyone - including us - a fantastic week!
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