Saturday, October 2, 2010

Happy Thirty-Six Week Birthday, my little princess ...

finally got some "eating" pics and decided to share! she's still iffy on the swallowing - her first bite tonight she did real good, she had the tongue action going and seemed to swallow so easily ... the rest was not so good - lol! I'd say we average about ten bites, and if I was guessing I'd say - on average - maybe 25% of the food actually gets swallowed! I guess we have a long way to go with the eating thing, but we'll just keep on with it!

In other news - yes, I'm a total blog slacker ... it's awful! I'm going to end up having a book that's basically just all of Zoey's "birthdays" by the time this year ends! Annicka, Jericho, & Liam - I promise, I've taken lots of photos of you ... I've just been horrible about carving out time for the blog! Maybe I'll do better here soon ... then again, maybe I won't (we know me, after all)!

So, here's today's pics of the princess ...

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